King’s College School Wimbledon Masterplan

King’s College School was founded in 1829 and moved to its Wimbledon site in 1897. It is now one of the most successful independent schools in London. A masterplan was needed to help the school to appraise its needs, both immediate and future, and look systematically at the options for development. The project established a plan for the physical development of the school to meets its current and anticipated needs for the next 10-15 years and provide information on the sequence of projects and their costs.


King’s College School, Wimbledon

Completion: 2012
Location: London

The masterplan has proved remarkable effective. The school has to date built three projects, all as proposed in the masterplan, each designed by a different architect. The advantages of a good masterplan in establishing a settled and coherent plan, aiding fundraising and securing planning consents are clearly demonstrated.


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